Northampton/Hadley Family Connection
Laura Frogameni, Preschool & Partnership Coordinator

[email protected]

Early Childhood Center, 40 Main Street, Suite 206, Florence MA 01062

(put "0" if not premature)

Screening Date Options

For ASQ-3™ English

Screening Date Selection

For ASQ:SE-2™ English


Please read the text below and click on the “submit button” if you choose to proceed with the Ages & Stages Questionnaires® (ASQ®) screening online via the Family Access Link provided to you by Northampton/Hadley Family Connection.

I acknowledge that I have read the information provided by the Department of Early Education and Care (EEC) about the ASQ® screening process and choose the following option:


Note: By clicking "Submit", you are agreeing to both our Family Access End User License Agreement and any other consent or authorization information outlined on this page.