Ages & Stages Child Monitoring Program Contact Us:
211 Child Development/United Way of CT 1-800-505-7000
The Ages & Stages Questionnaires (ASQ-3) provide a fun, interactive way to understand the many changes a child goes through.
At what age should a child sit up? Hold onto a toy? Say her first words? Parents naturally have questions about how their child is learning, behaving or developing.
One way you, as a parent, can have some of your questions answered, as well as to keep track of how your child is developing, is to enroll in Connecticut's Ages and Stages Child Monitoring Program, a FREE service provided by Help Me Grow. Staff from 211 Child Development will send you reminders when it is time to complete a questionnaire for your child. Fun learning activities will be sent to you with each completed questionnaire. Connections to community services and resources may also be provided.
Feel free to contact the 211 Child Development Staff using the contact information listed above, to learn more about programs and services offered through Help Me Grow and the United Way of CT.